How to contribute docs

Contributions to the reference guide are very welcome!

Getting started

  1. First experiment with how to write aquascapes.

  2. The aquascapes for the reference guide are stored in the examples module. By convention, each file has the same name as its corresponding section in the guide. Find the file you want to contribute to.

  3. In the object in the file, create a new Example value and use JSExport to export it:

  val myNewExample = new Example {
    def apply(using Scape[IO]): StreamCode = code(
	  ??? // Put your code here

Run sbt examples/fastLinkJS to check that the code compiles and links.

  1. Go to the corresponding markdown file, and add the following snippet:
@:example(basic) {
  drawChunked = false
  1. Run sbt docs/tlSitePreview to view the new aquascape.

Understanding the process

The examples module compiles to JavaScript using ScalaJS. The JavaScript is bundled up and referenced in the aquascape docs. The docs are built using Laika. The @:example directive is a custom directive that embeds a <script> in the generated html page that runs the JS code.

Aquascape generation happens in the user's browser, so we can generate aquascapes based on user input. Have a look at @:exampleWithInput to see how to do this.

Writing a good reference

The reference guide is heavily influenced by diataxis. Try and make reference docs as concise and comprehensive as possible. You should cover the nitty-gritty details of how an operator works.

For each operator, you might want to draw aquascapes for:

Have a read of the best practices to keep your aquascapes clean.