
This page is a reference guide for the scan family of operators. It describes:

As the scan family of operators have normal error propagation and finalizer handling, these are not described.


The scan family of operators perform a left fold over an input stream and output intermediate results.


The scan operator pulls an element from its input stream, evaluates a function with its previous result, then outputs the result. It is analogous to scan on lists.

The following example scans over an input stream of characters to produce a string. A character ch is pulled and combined with an accumulated string str with the s"$str-$ch" function.


The scan1 operator is similar to scan, but uses the first element pulled from the input stream to evaluate the result.


The scanMonoid operator scans over its input with a Monoid typeclass instance.

The following example uses the String monoid instance. The empty element of the instance "" is outputted first. The combine function of the instance concatenates two strings.


The scanMap operator maps over its input then scans with a Monoid typeclass instance. input.scanMap(f) is equivalent to

Chunk propagation


The scan operator preserves the chunks of its input. The first argument to scan is outputted as a singleton chunk.


scan1 preserves the chunks of its input, with the exception of the first chunk. The first element of the first chunk is outputted as a singleton chunk.