
Aquascape is a diagramming tool for fs2.

The basic idea

A stream is built from stages. When evaluated:

How to read the diagrams


Stream('a', 'b', 'c')


Effects and errors

Stream('a', 'b', 'c')
  .evalMap(x => IO.raiseWhen(x == 'b')(Err))


How to write the diagrams

Include aquascape as a library dependency:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.zainab-ali" %% "aquascape" % "0.1.0"

Create an AquascapeApp:

import aquascape.*
import cats.effect.*
import fs2.*

object App extends AquascapeApp.Simple {

  def stream(using Scape[IO]) = {
    Stream(1, 2, 3)
      .stage("Stream(1, 2, 3)")       // `stage` introduces a stage.
      .evalMap(x => IO(x).trace())    // `trace` traces a side effect.
      .compileStage("compile.toList") // `compileStage` is used for the final stage.

Writing images

You can create a png by extending AquascapeApp.Simple.File.

object App extends AquascapeApp.Simple.File("scape") {
  def stream(using Scape[IO]) = ???

Running the app creates scape.png.

Drawing chunks

The Aquascape.Simple variants purposefully destroy chunks and hide them from the generated images. This lets us pretend that a single element is pulled and outputted.

To display chunks, extend the Aquascape.Chunked variants instead.

object App extends AquascapeApp.Chunked {
  def stream(using Scape[IO]) = ???

Handling concurrency

Aquascape can track most pulls and outputs by itself. It needs a bit of manual intervention for operators requiring Concurrent.

To achieve this, we introduce the concept of a branch. A branch is a portion of the scape that behaves sequentially.

The fork function relates two branches to each other. It must be inserted directly before each Concurrent operator.

As an example, parEvalMap requires a Concurrent instance:

import cats.syntax.all.*

object App extends AquascapeApp.Simple {

  def stream(using Scape[IO]) = {
    Stream('a', 'b', 'c')
      .stage("Stream('a','b','c')", "upstream") // This stage is part of the `upstream` branch.
      .fork("root", "upstream")                 // Relate the `root` branch to the `upstream` branch.
      .stage("parEvalMap(2)(…)")                // This stage is part of the default `root` branch.
      .compileStage("compile.drain")            // Introduce a default branch named `root`.

More details

Watch the presentation on The Pierian Stream, ScalaDays Seattle 2023.